Thursday, 8 November 2012

New bank notes
I heard people expressing their dissatisfaction about the look of our new bank notes.  I knew even before seeing the notes that I would fall in love with them.  I knew before touching them that I would be honoured to carry a picture of an African leader in my wallet.  I knew I would be honoured to carry a face of a person that had sacrificed and contributed so much towards my liberation.
Honestly, if it were up to me, if it was possible, I would love to carry the faces of all those people that rose against all odds  and fought for my  total emancipation.  I am one of those that are able to appreciate the value of these notes, their look and feel is not relevant to me but their symbolism means the world to me.



The smile on my face

I have lived a half a century, I have cried, I have had my heart broken into thousand pierces but I still have a beautiful smile on my face.  I have work hard to be where I am, there were times when a smile had to be forced by at the end of the day that smile became permanent.

The smile that is on my face managed to come through during years of hardship, it healed my emotional pain and it removed the physical pain that was tormenting me.  The people that smiled with me during my days of turmoil made me feel wanted, accepted and appreciated.  Their smile gave me courage to rise above it all.  Their smiles calmed my fears, insecurities and anxiety.  I am grateful to be able to smile through it all.  I am happy and my smile says it all. #smed12








People that matter in my life
In this journey called life we meet a lot of people, some make an impact and others just don’t leave a trace at all.  As I grow older I have vowed to care about the people that matter in my life, those that make a difference and those that worry about my wellbeing.  I care about people that love me in return, those that understand when they have wronged me and apologize for their actions.  I want to be surrounded by people that inform  me when I have wronged them and when I am losing my way.
The people that matter to me are those that are willing to listen to my problems even though they might not have the solutions to my problems.  I want to be surrounded by people that understand my downfall, people that rejoice with me when I am happy and those that hold my hand when all fails.

I love people and I appreciate their contribution in my life.  I am growing older, I don’t have time to nurse ego’s of people that don’t care about my wellbeing, I don’t have time for selfish people.  All I want is to be around people that I love and those people that love me back. #smed12

My kind of music

The music that I listen to tells a story, its music that rekindles my soul, music that touches my spirit.  I am in love with music that teaches me to be empathetic towards other peoples culture, music that develops my compassion.  I love music that helps me to express myself, music that takes me to desired places.

I live for my music because for a moment it kills my pain, it reduces my stress levels and it stimulates my brain cells.  I am a very active person, my music boost my exercise performance and promotes a good nights sleeps.  The music that I listen to helps me in my spiritual journey, it helps my worship to be meaningful and makes me feel closer to my Creator. #smed12



Knowing when to give up
There comes a time when one has to just give up on someone, a time when one has to let go of the one they love.  Letting go of a love one can be very painful but it has to be done at some point.  A relationship is between two people and when the other one has lost interest then it is no longer a relationship.  There is nothing more painful than being in a relationship were you are not happy and you are forever fighting about useless things.

There are many signs that show that your partner has lost interest.  People in a relationship do certain things that couples to and when suddenately the other partner feels uncomfortable in doing those things, that might mean the romance is vanishing.  Telling lies of where he or she is going, or where the other partner has been can also be a sign that his or her interest are elsewhere. 

When these things happen one should not despair and think there is something wrong with them, we need to understand the realities of love and life.  The harsh reality of life is that we are going to get hurt, we are going to cry and our hearts will be broken at one point in our lives.  All that we need to do, is not to settle for second best and let go once that time has arrived, sometimes we have to just try and forget about the person that once loved you and move on.#smed12





My idea of a meaningful life

Now more than any other time, I am eager to do things that are meaningful in my life.  I understand fully that I have only one lifetime and I may not be able to re-do all the things that I have done wrong.  I have resolved that I will try by all means to do the important things and focus all my energy on developing my myself and those around me.

I believe strongly that I should pursue the things that are close to my heart.  I would pursue my passion and do things that are worth living.  Being raised by a parent that truly understood her reason for living, I vow to do things that inspire me and those around me.  My principles would be my guiding manuscript and that would also make me aware of myself and my actions.

We are living in times were people are struggling to sustain their livelihood, the thought of giving back to those in need of help and make another being happy would add a smile to my face.  Loving people and understanding their value in my life is more fulfilling than possessing material items.#smed12

The importance of education
The youth of today do not realize the importance of being educated.  They don’t realize that education is a source of hope, that it instills a sense of pride and gives one courage to dream and pursue their desires.  They fail to understand that education open minds and allows one to identify and rectify their mistakes.  

Education allows people to effectively take advantage of their human rights and also allow one to understand the limits of their rights so that those rights do not infringe on another person’s rights.  Education assists one to distinguish between what is right and what wrong.  It’s also one of the requirements for many professional disciplines, which means education is one of the things needed for one to compete and succeed in this world. #smed12

The benefits of crying

One might never fully understand the benefits of crying but the act can do so much to eliminate stress and sorrow that one might be experiencing.  Crying has a medical benefit, it protects our eyes from irritant and foreign bodies such as dust.

Crying can get one through difficult times and help one lift their mood.  When one feels pressure, frustration, sorrow and anger, they should take effective measures to release the negative emotions.  Negative emotions are terrible for the health of the brain, heart and other organs, therefore crying assist in dealing with the emotions in a healthy, natural and curative manner.

People especially males tend to refuse to cry because crying is associated with being weak and surrending to the emotions.  They do not understand the danger of bottling feelings inside and that they can end up being depressed. #smed12

100 Things to do before I die

There is a lot I have done in my lifetime but as a human being, one should never stop living and doing new things and that should not be a scary thought.  I have spent most of my life pursuing my career and taking care of my household but going forward I know I would want to pursue my hobbies.  I will follow my heart, do things that provide joy and concentrate on the things that I love the most. 

I have always dreamed of going to various destination, explore different places, study new cultures and see new things.  Learning another African language has always been one of my best wishes, I will make sure that I learn more than one African language.  I want to make sure that I clear all the misunderstandings I might have had with people.  I want to socialize more, connect with old friends and find new ones that will complement my life.

I might not be able to fit all 100 things on this piece but I know for sure that I want to live within my means, I don’t want to find myself battling with debts and worries.  I hope one day I will be able to mentor and groom a young person.  I would love to volunteer my service and expertise and help someone in need.  More than anything else, I want to spend more time with my grandchildren, I want to bond with them and see them blossom into loving Souls. #smed12

What is a cliche


A cliché is defined as an expression that has been overused to an extent it evokes no emotions.  Writers are always urged to avoid using clichés because their work can sound corny to the reader.  Writers that use a lot of clichés may appear to lack creativity.  Writers also fall at risk of utilizing a cliché that does not fit with the pierce and distorts the entire message of the story.

In the world of politics, the actions of politicians have become clichés, one election after the otherthey spread the same message and never deliver.  Throughout the world, during an election, one will hear people saying the same thing over and over again.  The unfortunate thing is when civilians have made their lives a cliché, when they don’t aspire to be anything and they complain about the same thing over and over again. #smed12

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

My favourite Cat in the Hat book is Nqobile

Its never an easy task to describe why one has feelings towards something or someone.  Nqobile made it easy for me to understand why I like her, amonst all the cats in that story, Nqobile couldn't help but express her love for her counterparts even though some of them took advantage of her and took her love for granted.  No matter how much they tremble on her, Nqobile seemed to manage to pretend to live in a beautiful world surrounded by nice people.

Nqobile appeared to be compassionate, symphathetic and loving.  This particular cat did not want to hurt other people, to an extend she would prefer to be the one that is hurt in order to protect the ones she loved.  Loyalt was the number factor that kept her with her friends, she would defend them at all cost.


On the other hand, Nqobile displayed some manipulative tenderncies, she could use her charm to get what she wanted but was very tactical about it.  Nqobile's only wish was to feel loved, worthy and appreciated by those close to her heart. #smed13

Nothing is more dangerous than an idea, when you only have one idea

Statistics show an increase in the number of deaths due to suicide.  The number of young people that kill themselves is escalating and authorities seem not to know how to combat this trend.  Society does not understand the danger it is facing when an increasing number of youngsters have only one idea, and that to end their own lives.

That one idea come when the world close down on you, the pain becomes unbearable and no one seem to truly understand how one is feeling.  Everybody’s pain is different and when that pain is so great, one can develop one idea and they pray for the courage to take their own lives.  I know of two strong and powerful man who when the world turned its back on them, they developed one idea and that was to end their own lives.  They lost the will to live and they occupied the minds with finding a way of ending their lives.

Possessing one idea is destroying our society, many young people resort to criminal activities because they do not see another way of living, the only idea of sustaining their lives is through hurting another human being.  Young men and women resort to prostituting their bodies because they can’t generate another idea of sustaining themselves. #smed12

Of all the forms of courage, the ability to laugh is the most

I could not have ended my blogging journey and my 2012 academic year on a better piece than the one I am writing.  This year marks many things in my life.  It is the year I celebrate my 50th birthday and its also the year I finally persuaded my life long dream, my dream of obtaining my degree.  The year has been filled with hardships and sorrow but I have managed to pull through because of my ability to laugh.

Laughing has got me through the most unbearable pain, it got me through a time when I thought my ship was sinking and I had to surrender.  There are many types of courage but the ability to laugh has proven to be one of the greatest remedies of pulling though day of hardship for me.  Many saw my face and though all was well, they saw my jovial safe and they concluded that my life was perfect but little did they know that behind that smile and laughter there were wounds that were still bleeding.

When one is in pain, laughing is an effort and many of us take that for granted up until we are faced with life changing circumstances, and then we realize and understand the courage it takes to laugh when one’s world is falling apart.  The courage it takes to laugh when your friends have turned their backs on one and one is alone in a spate confussion.  Courageous are those that wear a smil when the world has turned its back on them, courageous are those that can share a laugh when the forces are against them. #smed12

You cannot chase two rabbits at the same time

They call them a lost generation, people with no vision and they call them people that lack focus.  I call them a generation that is chasing two rabbits at the same time.  The youth of today have all the opportunities to excel and make something of their lives.  They have no limitations, they are enjoying the freedom to associate with whom ever they want to associate with and they can study anywhere and study towards any discipline they desire to pursue.

Sadly the very same generation are wasting their time and energy persuing irrelevant things, they want to socialize more than adults and they want to live a life that is supposed to be lived by adults.  The Youth of today make studying a second if not a third priority and they concentrate on having a nice time.  They forget that in order to sustain one’s life, one has to finish what they started first, they have to finish their schooling life then start living a jovial life.

The Xhosa Nation have a term that mean the same thing, the term goes  as follow “ Awunakubetha intake ezimbini ngelitye elinye” which means you cannot hit two birds with one stone.  I wish the generation of my twins can fully understand that term because its impossible to pursue two different lifestyles at the same time, one has to give in and in most cases, the one that gives in is the one that is most important in one’s life.  #smed12

The statute of limitation has expired with our childhood

I hope we can all say the statement above is true but in actual fact there are many people who are suffering because of the trauma they experienced in their childhood.  Trauma that is left untreated most of the time, comes back to haunt an individual and in more extreme circumstances it can affect those around them.

I know of women and men who were physically and sexually abused in their childhood.  The fear and trauma they experienced, they took it with them to their adult life and many of these adults are struggling to detach themselves from that.  The effect of what happened to them is impacting negatively on their adulthood.  The hurt and pain is so visible, it is so evident in how they conduct themselves and they cannot find it in their power to break the cure and move on with their lives.

I wish with all my being that the statement was true for many but the reality is that we tend to carry the baggages of our childhood through to our childhood.  Plenty a time, those baggages limit us from progressing and they limit us from realizing our full potential. #smed12

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Olny bad things happen quickly

They lived a perfect life up until the devil entered their household and destroyed the good and loving home that was adored by many.  The day that was supposed to be a joyous day, the unexpected visit of the father who worked out of town, a husband and a father to three beautiful children ended in tragic manner that shocked the entire community.  The very person that was supposed to protect the family                                    from  them to their graves in a gruesome manner.

Gunshots were heard, one after the other and many thought the gangsters in the area were attacking each other again.  Little did we know, these shots were the brutal end to lives of people we have spent many years with.  This is the day when the man that was supposed to protect his household decided to shoot and kill his wife and their children because of his suspicion which he never proved.  The man shot and killed his entire family and spared his own life.

Painful was to hear of this satanic act, painful was to hear that our neighbors are no more, painful was it to hear a man who was trusted and loved by his victims planned and executed the end of their journey on this earth.  No one saw the signs and no one imagined such a thing will ever occur in our little community. #smed12

Why I have conversations

The Lord created us in a way that required us to interact with other people.  I live in my own world, I have my own thoughts and I have a way of doing things and sometimes my thoughts and actions impact on other people’s lives hence I find it imperative to have conversation.  Conversations assist me to understand the way other people do things and why they do those things.

Conversations also assist me to better understand the world.  In the mist of my troubles, talking to someone also assist me to comprehend what is happening to me and also try to understand why the certain thing is happening.  Engaging with people who have been through the route I might be travelling also assist to getting the answers that I might be in great need of.

Being a parent is a challenging task, nothing is ever predictable and the journey for many is never a smooth one.  Conversing and sharing my journey with other parents makes me feels like I am not the only one, there is someone that understands my joys and frustration.   With the troubles I have encountered throughout my life, I believe more than ever that it’s vital to converse with other people. #smed12


I don’t mean to brag but I need to tell the world how blessed I am to be raising beautiful identical twins.  The kids are not only beautiful on the outside, they are angels on the inside too and this is proven by the way they interact with other kids and adults.  Their smile lights up a room and their presence is felt by everyone.

Watch this space because I know for a fact I am raising leaders, they seize the moment and are not shy to express their feelings.  They are clear on what they want and what they expect from other people.  I am proud to be raising these souls in a democratic dispensation where they are free to be what they want to be.  Watch this space because I know I am raising intellectuals, as young as they are, they are not lazy to think and they take their foundation studies very serious.

I am not shy to boost about the blessing that the Lord has showered me with.  Watch this space because the Lord is going to continue to bless me with many other beautiful things.  I cherish all my ups and down because they make me who I am today. #smed12

Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Be bold and the mighty force will come to your aid


Trying to instill hope on someone that has lost it all can be an extremely difficult task.  I spent most of my adult life trying to re-assure those around me that the Lord really does listen to our prayers and he answers them.  Today I am lost for words to say to my friend’s son who has lost both his parents and is praying that the Lord will reed him of his suffering and hurt, and take him away from this earth to be with his loving parents.

The pain of losing my friends is so immense and I just can’t find the right words to say to their son, I can’t find any comforting worlds to bring him back to life.  The pain is taking over my life, the pain is even blocking me from praying and I can’t even find the strength to call my Lord to resuscitate my wisdom and strength.

I hear people all over telling me to be bold and let the mighty force take over but it’s difficult, my strength is gone and my task gets tougher every day.  I owe it to my friends to be strong and re-assure their son that things will be better, re-assure him that in time the pain will subside and his heart will mend again.  He will never forget his parents and he will never stop hurting because he lost something he cherished but he needs to know that he can learn to live with the pain and learn to live without them.  He needs to be bold and let the mighty force to come to his aid.

If not now, then when?

Working through the streets of the township where I grew up in brings sadness and hurt in my heart.  The plight they face on a daily basis is too much to handle and to think they are just a small percentage of the population that is feeling the brunt of poverty and the ills imposed unto them by ruthless individuals that prey on them.

My eyes got filled with tears when elderly men and women cry about not receiving their old age grand and when you ask them why, they cannot even explain it and the officials responsible for their wellbeing have lost the will to serve them.  My heart breaks when young girl’s innocence is brutally taken by ruthless monsters that impose themselves on them by sexually abusing them and parents keep quiet about the deeds.  The epidemic has taken so much from us, children are orphans and have lost hope that their lives will ever be meaningful.  Unemployment is rippling our society, young people are idling on our streets with no hope for a brighter future.

The time has come for us to stand up and fight for our community.  The fortunate ones that have managed to break away from the bondages of poverty need to plough back and uplift our brothers and sisters who are in need of help.

Have you figured the second head is fake?

It was a glorious day, bright and full of laughter.  That was the day my sister got married to her ex-husband, their future looked bright and we were all happy about the union and we all thought it was the start of more beautiful things to come.  After the glorious occasion, my sister was called by women elders to give her advice on how to carry herself and how to take care of her marriage.  One elderly lady cried as she was about to give her advice. 

When she regained composure, she told my sister who was now given a new name by her in-laws, she advised her never to lose focus of her ambitions and that she should never allow anything to change her because the road ahead will be filled with up’s and down’s.  One in-law after the other told her of how she should regard herself equal to her husband, how they should overcome their obstacles hand-in and always be there for each other.  We left my sister with confidence, being re-assured that her new home welcomed her as their own child and knowing that she was an equal companion her marriage.

Little did we know when trouble will start to brew, my sister will feel like a helpless kid in her own home.  Little did we know that the very same in-laws will look the other way and tell her to patiently wait for the day when her husband will find his senses.  Little did we know the words uttered in front of those guests were empty words to fool us into believing that the inequality in marriages is being eradicated.  We all thought finally women were starting to be taken seriously and that the contribution in their household gave them a degree of authority.  My sister was told she was co-heading in their house and when trouble visited her home, when her husband decided when to come home and when not to sleep at home, she was reminded that the man is the head of the household and she must just bear with him.  Today I know that that second head that they spoke about on that memorable day was always fake, the inequality in our marriages is still there.  Pity I had believed we were indeed moving towards the right direction.

Monday, 29 October 2012


They laugh at my downfall, they laugh at my demise and they laugh at my tears.  My world is shuttered into pieces, the light that used to shine so bright its now dim, I can hardly see my fingers when I place them in front of my face.

I am at my worst, days drag, getting out of my bed is a mission, I am weak and have lost my will to live.  A voice in my head tells me it’s alright, it’s alright if it is the will of my redeemer, the one I pray to will never forget me, he promised to be by my side through thick and thin.  This voice reinstates my belief that my Lord will never forsake me, his is not a man that lies, and he will get me out of this hole.

It’s alright, it’s alright, as much the pain hurts so much but it’s alright if it is his will.  My turmoil’s are temporary, the shadow of darkness will pass.  Yes, I believe that this too shall pass, indeed my faith will get me through and I shall learn to smile again.  It’s alright, it’s alright if the will of the Lord has taken over my life, I shall do nothing but pray for strength to get up and face the world. #smed12

He never gives up

I serve a mighty God, he never gives up on me, he never gives up on anyone and we should never give up on ourselves.  We call me in many names, we call him Jehovah, jahweh, Jehovah Dicken and we call him our Messiah and he is our source of hope when the walls crumble down on us,  he is the one we thank when we are at the pick of our lives.

I serve a living God, he never gives up on us, he never lose hope that our lives will be brighter, he keeps hoping that our careers will prosper and our marriages will work out.  My God has a plan for me and many others that place their faith in him.  I am a sinner but my God has never casted me away, he forgives me and welcomes me in his house.

I shall never give up, I will never lose hope.  I might be without a job and not know where my next meal will come from but I am certain that my God will make a plan.  My enemies may laugh at me today but I am certain that this storm is only temporary, it will pass and the sun will shine again and it will shine even brighter than it ever shone. #smed12

The winds of change are needed

Human life is losing its value in this world, a person can take another person’s life as if that life had no value, destroy it as if no one ever loved that soul and act in a manner that display that he or she has no regard for the people that will be hurt by the abrupt end of that person’s journey on this Earth. People kill each other and forget about the hurt they cause those left behind and many have lost hope in the judiciary system.

Women are raped and children are brutally stripped of their innocence by cruel beings who do not understand the hurt they cause to those they violate.  Societies harbor criminals and justify their horrible deeds.  House robberies are an everyday reality and morality has degenerated. 

I shall pray for the day when we will start to value the life of another being.  I shall pray for the day when children will walk freely on our streets and not fear for their safety.  I shall pray for the freedom that was gained through sweat and blood will not be undermined by those that think that they can do whatever they please with other people’s freedom.  The wind of change is needed in this world, people should begin to fear violating what they never created. #smed12


The time has come for us to declare an end to this suffering, we need to take it upon ourselves to fight the ills of this society.  We need to stand together and reclaim our country from those that think they own it and they can run everyone else amok .

Statistics display the downfall of our country, children and woman are raped every day, people are murdered on a daily basis and our streets are becoming unsafe by the day.  To top it all, even our schools are a battlefield for gangsters that target their rivals in our doors of learning.

When will we say enough is enough, when will we stop folding our arms and hope someone will sort out the problems.  When will we stop protecting criminals that are close to our hearts.  The time is now for all of us to take up the fight and demand peace and stability in our country.  Enough is enough, we cannot continue to look the other way, and we need to face the demons of our society.  The struggle continues and the onus is on all of us to make sure that we reclaim our beautiful country from the hands of the criminals that seem to think they own it. #smed12

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Soldier on fighter

Reading a message that said “before you give up, think about the reason why you held on so long” made me determined to fight even harder for my survival.  I stood for a moment and thought about the reasons I got into the challenge and why I should just give up and allow fate to take its cause.  A little voice in me told me to  re-read the message and apply it to my current situation.

A voice asked me who ever told me that the road will be easy and that there would be no obstacles that I will encounter, the voice of doom wanted to nullify whatever was said by the voice I regard as a voice of reason sent to me to guide me out of the gutter.  I pondered hard about the route I have travelled thus far, the uphills and the downfalls and I decided to soldier on and fight for my survival and regain my strength.

I made a declaration to myself, that I Ayanda Mdala refuse to give up on my dreams, I am woman of substance and I am determined to rise against all odds.  Because I have been hurt many times, I will never give up on happiness and no weapon formed against me will ever prosper. #smed12

My big wish

The good Lord has entrusted me with two of his angels, he chose me to raise two beautiful souls who love and appreciate the beauty of this world.  The day I laid my eyes on them,  I knew for sure that I was the chosen one, I was highly favored and blessed.  I made a promise to my creator to love and care for the gift give has given me and rejoice in being a mother.

I promised my ancestors and my God that I will raise them to love and appreciate the value of other people, girls that will brighten the room with their smile and presence.  I promised my Lord that I will utilize the time granted to me to instill a sense of pride, teach them to be proud of who and where they come from and reassure them that people will love them for their originality, not a photocopy of someone else.

Looking at how my babies turned out, I am please with my hard work thus far, the sleepless nights and any other responsibility that come with motherhood have produced beautiful and happy souls that are bubbling with laughter.  The road ahead is still but I thank the Lord for granting me an opportunity to be a mother, a wish that never comes through to thousands of other women across the world.  My greatest wish is to stay true to my promise and let the grace of the Lord blossom in their lives. #smed12

Letter of a broken hearted girl

I lay awake reminiscing about days gone by, the days when you use to call  or text to tell me how much you love and adore me.  Tears roll down my eyes when I replay in mind the sweet words you use to say to me.  OH, how I miss your smile, your hugs, your laugh and everything you did that completed my life and made me a joyful woman.
The hurt caused by your departure in my life is so unbearable.  My heart longs for your right next to me, it longs for the little things we did together, it longs for that tight hug you use to give me whenever I felt like my world was crumbling down on me.  I long for your touch that will wipe the tears from my face and remind me that things will be fine, the pain is just temporary.

If I was granted one wish right now, I would wish to see you and say the things I hoped I said when I had the chance.  Death be not proud, for you took away the only man that truly loved me and you left me with immense pain and misery.  The world tells me to accept that thing will never go back to what they used to be.  The day I learned of your passing, a part of me died too and I am not sure whether I have the energy to bring it back to life. #smed12

My daily prayer

Heavenly Father, I thank you for the gift of life, a sinner like me has seen yet another day.  I have sinned and gone against your commandments, I kneel before you and beg for forgiveness, I know you are a loving and forgiving God, you will never leave my side, may you redeem me and rid me of all the things that are not acceptable to you.

Heavenly Father be with the woman that you trusted with my life, the lady you blessed with your wisdom to raise me, those that assisted her in raising me , thy faithful God, bless my family.  The world needs blessing, I pray upon you to shower the world with blessings and rid us of all the evil we do to each other.  Bless thy Lord my co-workers and all those that wish us well and as a believer I submit my being to you and allow you to use me as you wish and accept you as my savior forever and ever Amen. #smed12