I think most human beings spend most of their life in pursuit of happiness, humans do things with the hope that they would reap the fruit of their labour and be happy at the end. I, myself am one of those humans, I have spend most of my life in pursuit of this feeling.
In the era I grew up in, I was told in order to be happy in my adult life, I would need to have money or assets, in order to have those I would need to go to school and study so that I can be qualified in something and have a profession. Yes, I have spent my life doing things and hoping that I would be fulfilled and be happy.
As I grew up and faced the hardship on this journey called life, I started to question what it means to be happy, do I need to have a lot of money or have a husband that would be by my side through thick and thin. My values and priorities have changed along the way but one thing I know for sure is that I want to be happy till the last day of my life. Through the hardship of my life, I will fall and rise and still pursue this feeling. I want to be happy and I am sure its not a sin to want to be happy and hope that those around you are feeling the same.#smed12