Friday, 7 September 2012

Convention - is it the best fallback position
For someone that is always striving to perform their best and break the glass ceiling, convention is not the best fallback position for me.  Throughout my life I have strived to stand out and not conform to the standards set out by my society.  I have always been eager and refused to follow accepted customs and properties.

I have also maintained that life has no formula, no one should dictate to me what to do and how to live my life.  It would be hypocritical of me to become a conventional once the going gets tough.  I am determined to fight all my downfalls.  I will not be seeking comfort in something that I have never believed in.  The most appealing position for me is the one that will assist me to craft my strategy of rising above it all. smed12

A skill called leadership

I know of a leader that led from behind, she did not impose her idea’s and values on us her followers and she gave acknowledgment when it was due.  My leader and mentor did not tell us what to do, she lived by example.

This leader did not do what she did because she had to, she loved her work and made it her daily bread and her source of inspiration.  Through all our flaws, this leader remained calm and tolerant, and inspired confidence in us her followers.  Through all the challenges we encountered in our work, this leader remained focus on the main goal and was forever committed to excellence.

Many people are called leaders but they do not possess the skill and the characteristics of being a great leader.  Leadership does not mean someone must dictate to others, a true leader must be considerate to the needs and feeling of those that he or she is leading. #smed12

My chance to be famous for 15 minutes

There is a lot of suffering in our country and that also extending to the African Continent as a whole.  In my life I have always tried to do things that would ease the suffering and burdens of those less fortunate in their lives.   My actions have never been motivated by a need to be famous, it’s a calling that comes from the bottom of my heart.

I know if I were to be famous for 15 minutes it would be for putting a smile on someone else’s face and giving them hope to face the world.  I know my fame would come from motivating young people to rise above all odds and take advantage of the opportunities presented to them.  I know my 15 minutes of fame would come from being me and not being a second grade of someone else and something I am not.

Fame is not important to me, the most important and precious reward for all my hard work is to see a smile from the beneficiaries of my kindness.  The most important thing is knowing that I have helped someone in their hour of need.#smed12

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

10 Most unexpected consequences of being online

They call it the age of information, where information is readily available in a push of a button.  Like any other person that has adopted to today’s innovation, I too don’t have a problem with my grandchildren who are currently in Grade one taking advantage of the online world when they get to the exploring age.  As much I appreciate the gains of the current times. I am also cognisant of the dangers that come with it. 

The dangers are plenty and they can be detrimental if they are not dealt with at an early stage.  The following are some of the dangers posed by the online world:

·         Exposure to inappropriate image or content

·         Solicitation by sexual predators in chat room and by email

·         Online bullying or harassment

·         Disclosure of personal information

·         Spyware and virus

·         Excessive commercialism

·         Illegal download such as copyright of protected music files

·         Piracy of software, music or videos

We live in an Era where hope and faith is vital for our survival.  Constantly one has to find something that motivates them to rise against all odds and reassure themselves that the best is yet to come and that one’s troubles are just temporary.  Like many other souls, I too have something that motivates me.  The presence of the Lord in my heart motivates me to keep on going.

I am motivated because I know my savior is the first and last, he knew even before anyone else the day of my birth and he is the only one that knows my last day on this earth.  I am motivated because I know there is a person that created it all, the architect of the universe and the Manager of all time and that alone uplifts my spirits.  I shout with pride that he is my redeemer, my savior and my comforter.

My faith keeps me going through all the storms that I encounter, I know fully that my life is safe in his hands.  I am motivated because I know my God will never leave me, he will never forget me, he is my joy and he promised that he will never forsake me.#smed12


Writing this peace made me realize what we as human beings regard as success might not be success at all especially when it does not bring everlasting joy and happiness in one’s life.  I grew up thinking having money and owning a house and a car would be my greatest achievements but today my line of though is different.

Finding God and accepting him as my savior and redeemer has been my greatest achievement
  • Learning to love and let go when the time comes has made me realize something’s or some people where never meant to be with us till the return of Jesus.
  • Acknowledging my shortcomings and overcoming my troubles made me even stronger
  • Being a responsible and loving to my parents and upholding their names.
  • Upholding the values and morals that I was taught at home.
  • Giving birth two my beautiful children and managing to give them all the love and support they deserve.
  • Accepting that my kids are not me and that they will make mistakes in the journey of their life.
  • Accepting that not everyone will love me and acknowledge my contribution.
  • Realizing that money is NOT everything.
  • Finding love, inner peace and joy during the most testing time of my life.

This is just some of the achievements I can recall and many have no figure attached to it, they are blessings that I have received from the Almighty.  These blessings that have made me realize that there is love and happiness without all the material things we attach to achievements.  I am blessed to have understood that money is NOT everything and that it does not define ones success. #smed12


I am a child of God, I am a beautiful Xhosa women from the Nguni Tribe.  I am an African and I owe my being to the Lord the Creator of all and my Ancestors whom I acknowledge in my life.  I am a woman born during the worst political system in our country.

I am daughter to my parents, a mother to my children and a lady that had to play the role of a father to my kids.  I am a sibling to my sister and brothers, I am a daughter of the soil and I am grateful to  those that fought for my liberation.  Indeed I acknowledge their immense contribution and I thank the Lord to have seen what liberation is when there are less restriction to a person that is classified BLACK.

I am a lady that has been loved and hurt in the process.  I am a lady that has overcome some blows in the quest to defining oneself.  I may define myself in many words but above all the descriptions, I maintain that I am a child of God. #smed12


I know of a place where I feel free to be who I am, a place where I am surrounded by people that love and adore me.  I know of a place where I am not constantly reminded of my faults and my downfalls are seen as obstacles aimed at testing my endurance and faith in God.  That place is warm and caring and that place I call my home.

I know of a beautiful lady that has always been there for me since the day I was conceived, that lady knows and understand my fairs.  I know a lady whose love and comfort has gotten me through the worst storms of my life.  This lady prays for me more than she prays for herself and her prayers have never been left unanswered.  Oh how lucky I am to have this woman in my life and this woman is called my Mother.

I know of people who would stop whatever they are doing to come to my rescue, people who would lift me up when I am at my lowest.  Oh how lucky I am to have known these people and these people are called my family.  I count myself amongst the wealthiest to have a mother to wipe my tears during times of despair and suffering, a person to laugh with and definitely a person to rely on.  Dear Lords I count myself amongst the rich to have a family that acts as pillar of my strength when I battle to stand on my own two feet. #sme12