Friday, 30 March 2012


The response to this question lies on the individual that has to take the step, it’s a risky thought but it must be done. This question made me reflect on this journey called life, a journey that we must all undergo and sometimes we as living creatures keep walking without realizing that we have gone beyond our depths and end up at the tip of a 100 foot pole.  For many its difficult to get down because they don’t even know how they got there, things happened so fast, now they need to find a way to get down to reality.

Superstars go through this quite a lot, the live a lavish lifestyle, some of them would be involved in substance abuse and other ills of our society and they learn the hard way that the higher you go the colder it becomes and now they would want to come back to the land of the living and be recognized again.

The answer to the question is, when you make your way up, don’t make enemies of the people that you would pass by, be kind to them so that they can assist you when you want to come down or even catch you when you fall.  Knowing the value of another person is one of the fundamental lesson that each child should learn when they leave home so as to prepare them for the downfalls of life.  Its difficult to step down from a luxurious lifestyle, one needs people to comfort them and guide you down.#smed12


This is one of the fundamental statements that I have carried through out my teenage and adult life.  My late father who was a high school principal in Knysna echoed this statement at home and at school when he addressed the pupils.

From a young age I was told that the environment where I come from should not determine the type of person I become and I what I do and how I carry myself will determine the kind of person I turn out to be which will lead to the perception of people of me.

Yes I am what I do.  I have spent most of my adult life serving people in the public sector, and I have been doing it with determination and I love what I am doing.  In my own way I know I have impacted on the lives of the people that have received my service and I am happy with what I do.  I am a Public Servant, my goal is to provide service to the people of South Africa and I do it with pride. #smed12


What is the colour of courage from a mother who has be told that her only child has passed on to the unknown world.  A mother who has spent all her life working and living for this child and has his child’s life ended by a thug who had no regard of another person’s life, the responsibility’s that that person had and the lives his cruel deed will impact by pulling that trigger.

Not long along I wrote a blog about the colour of wind where my line of thought was that the wind has no colour, today I write about the colour of courage of a woman whose life has been turned upside down by a fatal attack on her child. 

It is in the spirit of that woman where I witnessed the colour of courage.  A mother upon receiving the news of the departure of her son mourned and prayed for what had happened calling the almighty to be with her during this time of great loss.  She cried as expected and went through a state of depression.  The one thing I admired about this mother is the fact that through her prayers she prayed for courage and that she should remain true to her faith, she prayed that the Lord should keep her still and remind her all the time that he is God.  She courageously prepared the funeral service of her child and requested to be amongst the family delegates that went to identify the body a day before the burial service. She stood tall and carried herself with dignity throughout the murder trial where the man was found guilty of that criminal act. 

This courageous woman requested that she be allowed to see this man and to my astonishment the only words she uttered where “It is well with my soul, I am hurt but I hold no grudge against you even though you took away my only child.  I know my child is brighten the corridors of heaven and God will decide your punishment” and she left him.

Through out this terrible ordeal, I noticed the gracious courage this mother had, her courage was evident to everyone, she singly handed raised this child and she buried him.  I may not be able to pin point the exact colour of that courage but believe me that courage touched our hearts and left a permanent mark. #smed12


Seven years ago on the 11th of Aprill, the Lord blessed my house with a set of identical twins, two beautiful souls that entered this world and impacted instantly on how things where to be seen and done around my household.  My very own granddaughters whose smile brightens up the room wherever they go.

A year ago I started studying how these angels view the world we live in, how they have adopted to change especially their transit to primary school and I can say with pride that these girls see no colour, they don’t feel inferior to anyone and they are extremely happy with the love and support we give them.  In return they will always acknowledge every good deed done by family and friends towards them.  To them this world is one interesting place and they are not scared to voice out their fears and they know they are not perfect, they are just kids

My granddaughters are truly the class of born free’s, they would work around the mall greeting everyone they meet and complement them on their looks and that’s a behaviour I wish they grow old with.

The result of my observation only brings joy in my life.  To think that the dreams and aspiration of those that fought for total emancipation of the people in our country have produce a generation of kids who are exposed to each other and are benefiting from the opportunities that our country offers.  Happiness is all I feel and my hope is strengthen that one day social cohesion will not just be a dream, one day the future generations will be able to live in a society where race is not brought out every now and then. Life through my little angels is very interesting and one can only wish that they would grow old with this positive mind set. #smed12

Monday, 26 March 2012



My friend of over 30 years broke down and cried before me, deep in a state of depression only managing to utter four words, was it worth it.  My friend spent all her adult life in pursuit of success, she had all the right goals and determination but forgot to live her life.  She spent years accumulating knowledge and wealth but unfortunately all that did not train her on what was to unfold after all that has been gained.

Her marriages did not last, her relations with her children were strained and she just did not understand the need to bond with family members.  Her success was her life and she wanted nothing to stand in her way of achieving her dreams.

Unfortunately time goes on and people grow old and they need to exit the employment sector.  This is the time my friend discovered that success is not everything when you have no one to enjoy it with, the wealth she accumulated has no value because she is alone and people especially her children and family have maintained the distance she desired.

My friend has learned the hardest way that money and success is nothing when one has no one to spend it with.  My silent answer to her was it was definitely not worth it to distance people, no one lives in an island we all need love and care and we all need to understand the value of love. #smed12


Fear is one of the natural feelings every living creature has and it is normal to fear.  There are times when human beings fear the wrong things resulting in slow or no development at all on those particular human beings.  One finds people before undertaking a task asking themselves many unnecessary questions that do no good at all.  Those people will ask themselves questions such as, what if I fail, what will people say and how will I be perceived by those close to me?

The worst thing is when a person fears success, fearing the treatment he or she will get from close family and friends.  Some Africans spend their life fearing witchcraft, they go on thinking that there might be someone plotting for their downfall and when one ask what triggered this fear, there is no tangible answer, its just a feeling that one has.

Fear is natural but it should be justifiable, life is too short for one to spend their entire life fearing the unknown.#smed12

Friday, 9 March 2012



Today I received a sms from my mother in law and it brought tears to my eyes.  The sms read as follow:  “I lost a son and a pillar of my strength and believe me no parent dream of burying their child.  On the other hand you lost a life partner and the father of your lovely children but today I am pleading with you to wipe your tears and know that life goes on."

My Mother-in-law was pleading with me to open my heart and accept God’s will because he is the one who gives and the one who decides to remove our loved ones from our eyes.  Today marks exactly a year since my late husband closed his eyes for the last time and moved on to the unknown world. Today marks a year since my life and that of my kids turned up-side-down and living became an unbearable mission, an experienced I only pray I never come across again and a challenge that has tested my strength to the maximum. 

As I wiped the tears that flooded my eyes and face, I wished I could engrave her words in my heart.  I don’t want to live my life in tears and sorrow, I want to smile again and also be able to say life indeed goes on, after the storm the sun will shine upon me.  Now its up to me to pick up the pierces even though its an uphill battle.#smed12


Fish falling from the sky is very unrealistic and it reminded me of a story that I was once told by my daughter of her high school friend who once pronounced her desire to be a white person.  That pronouncement was done 1999, five years into the democratic dispensation and she reported that the response to her naïve dream was an outburst of laughter.  My 15 year old daughter at that time even though she had little experience of the brutality of apartheid just did not understand such a dream from a beautiful black teenager.

Some dreams are just so unrealistic they should not be pronounced.  I would assume people that would dream of fishes falling from the sky would be those that lived in inland areas, those that have no or little experienced of a fresh fish straight from the salty seas.  Those souls are only fortunate to enjoy a fish that has been refrigerated and transported to their places.

Such a dream I imagine hearing from those disadvantaged souls who can only dream of a fresh fish even if it falls from the blue skies.  A dream I would never announce to anyone because its something that will never happen and should never happen.  The Creator created fishes to spend their lives in the sea therefore it would an awful sight to see fishes falling from the sky.#smed12

Friday, 2 March 2012

Thanks God its Friday

It has been a long week and one has been looking forward to the weekend. Although there is still a lot to do, the fact that its week end makes one feel better.

Of course there is school work and house chores, but guess, who does not want the weekend to come. No one, even young learners who do not know the days of the week would ask when will be Friday.

I will spend my day at e-learning on campus tomorrow catching up. This is a good resource that the institution has provided, with state of the art equipment.  The library is also well equipped.  We are blessed to be associated with such a prestigious institution.  I hope all learners appreciate this.

Good night all. #smed12

What is the the colour of the wind?


I wonder what the colour of the wind is?  I wonder if one can tell if the wind has colour? In my view the wind is colourless.  No one could claim that the wind has this or that colour.

This is the question that was asked by my grand daughter who is doing grade one.  As a curious child, when the wind was blowing one day, making it difficult for her to play she asked what was blowing her away. She wanted to know why the wind is not visible. Why the wind is so powerful. As they are learning about colours at school, she then wanted to know what colour the wind is.

The creator decided not to give the wind any colour. Water also does not have colour. The colour of the sky changes day in and day out. Blood is red, whether its in animals or human beings.

Thank you Lord for all the creatures. Thank you Lord for loving us all. It is a pleasure to know that you care about all your creatures and even kids like my grand daughters  know how powerful you are. #smed12