Friday, 9 March 2012


Fish falling from the sky is very unrealistic and it reminded me of a story that I was once told by my daughter of her high school friend who once pronounced her desire to be a white person.  That pronouncement was done 1999, five years into the democratic dispensation and she reported that the response to her naïve dream was an outburst of laughter.  My 15 year old daughter at that time even though she had little experience of the brutality of apartheid just did not understand such a dream from a beautiful black teenager.

Some dreams are just so unrealistic they should not be pronounced.  I would assume people that would dream of fishes falling from the sky would be those that lived in inland areas, those that have no or little experienced of a fresh fish straight from the salty seas.  Those souls are only fortunate to enjoy a fish that has been refrigerated and transported to their places.

Such a dream I imagine hearing from those disadvantaged souls who can only dream of a fresh fish even if it falls from the blue skies.  A dream I would never announce to anyone because its something that will never happen and should never happen.  The Creator created fishes to spend their lives in the sea therefore it would an awful sight to see fishes falling from the sky.#smed12


  1. No dream is to big to dream and no dream is to unrealistic to pronounce.

  2. I believe in dreams. God created us to dream so we can see that faith plays an important role in realising what we think is impossible.

    My daughter says I must tell you like Justin Bieber says, "Never say Never"
