Monday, 26 March 2012


Fear is one of the natural feelings every living creature has and it is normal to fear.  There are times when human beings fear the wrong things resulting in slow or no development at all on those particular human beings.  One finds people before undertaking a task asking themselves many unnecessary questions that do no good at all.  Those people will ask themselves questions such as, what if I fail, what will people say and how will I be perceived by those close to me?

The worst thing is when a person fears success, fearing the treatment he or she will get from close family and friends.  Some Africans spend their life fearing witchcraft, they go on thinking that there might be someone plotting for their downfall and when one ask what triggered this fear, there is no tangible answer, its just a feeling that one has.

Fear is natural but it should be justifiable, life is too short for one to spend their entire life fearing the unknown.#smed12

1 comment:

  1. This is so true and something we do each and every day to ourselves. Nice Read
