Tuesday, 8 May 2012

How do you explain homosexuality to a 8 year old?


A very unexpected question from my granddaughter made me realize times have changed and how we need to keep up with them in order to remain relevant and avoid such embarrassments when one cannot answer.

My granddaughter asked me for clarity around men who kiss each other following a sitcom they watched and they saw two men embracing each other.  She asked me if it was proper for men to kiss each other and whether I accept it.  I was struck back by this question and I battled to answer it because I had never anticipated that my granddaughter will one day ask my position on homosexuality.  I sat back and answered the question as best I could at that time.  I said, yes my child some men do kiss each other and the law allows them to do that.  I went on to explain to her that it’s their right to do so and we cannot infringe on their rights because those rights are enshrined in our progressive constitution and its one of those rights many people fought and died for. 

I felt my position on the issue was irrelevant, whether its right or wrong she should determine that herself, gone are those days when one will instill their own set of believes on their children.  Children of today are exposed to so many things, good and bad and my role is to guide them to the direction I feel its right but at the end they must make their own choices. #smed12

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