Monday, 21 May 2012

It is better to practice a little than to talk a lot


I can do it better than her, that statement is very familiar to a lot of people who like to criticize other people’s effort but fail dismally when they are faced with a similar challenge.  We are all humans with strength and weaknesses, and we need to constantly work towards overcoming our weaknesses and build upon our strength.

One will find such criticism amongst mothers who are raising kids or women who do not have kids yet but feel it’s their duty to criticize how other mother women raise their kids.  One will hear comments such as, my child will never to that or I will raise my kids better than her, forgetting that every parent raises their kids the best way they see best.

Raising a child is not an easy task and no one is perfect, parents need to stop criticizing but rather learn from each other how best to raise children of the 21st Century.  Times have revolved and things are not done the same way they were done in the past centuries, we all need to practice this role called parenthood and stop criticizing other people’s parent skills.

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