Friday 2 March 2012

What is the the colour of the wind?


I wonder what the colour of the wind is?  I wonder if one can tell if the wind has colour? In my view the wind is colourless.  No one could claim that the wind has this or that colour.

This is the question that was asked by my grand daughter who is doing grade one.  As a curious child, when the wind was blowing one day, making it difficult for her to play she asked what was blowing her away. She wanted to know why the wind is not visible. Why the wind is so powerful. As they are learning about colours at school, she then wanted to know what colour the wind is.

The creator decided not to give the wind any colour. Water also does not have colour. The colour of the sky changes day in and day out. Blood is red, whether its in animals or human beings.

Thank you Lord for all the creatures. Thank you Lord for loving us all. It is a pleasure to know that you care about all your creatures and even kids like my grand daughters  know how powerful you are. #smed12

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