Thursday 8 November 2012

Knowing when to give up
There comes a time when one has to just give up on someone, a time when one has to let go of the one they love.  Letting go of a love one can be very painful but it has to be done at some point.  A relationship is between two people and when the other one has lost interest then it is no longer a relationship.  There is nothing more painful than being in a relationship were you are not happy and you are forever fighting about useless things.

There are many signs that show that your partner has lost interest.  People in a relationship do certain things that couples to and when suddenately the other partner feels uncomfortable in doing those things, that might mean the romance is vanishing.  Telling lies of where he or she is going, or where the other partner has been can also be a sign that his or her interest are elsewhere. 

When these things happen one should not despair and think there is something wrong with them, we need to understand the realities of love and life.  The harsh reality of life is that we are going to get hurt, we are going to cry and our hearts will be broken at one point in our lives.  All that we need to do, is not to settle for second best and let go once that time has arrived, sometimes we have to just try and forget about the person that once loved you and move on.#smed12





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